Dear Friend:
When I heard on the car radio that George W. Bush was comparing himself to George Washington on President's Day, I almost got in an accident. When I managed to get back to the office, I went to and downloaded his remarks. And just for accuracy's sake, I also downloaded Washington's Farewell Address and his Second Inaugural Address. Turns out, surprise, surprise, that George W. is no George Washington. In fact, Washington would have been appalled by Bush's Iraq War and would have called for his impeachment. Please take a look for yourself.
Managing Editor Amitabh Pal has also posted a commentary that's getting some attention. It's called "Corporate Globalization Kills," and it explains how WTO-protected patents to pharmaceutical companies are having a devastating effect in India.
And on the topic of the month, Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama, Political Editor Ruth Conniff weighs in, and warns us all not to be fooled that we'll be getting radical change from either one, so long as they rely on the same kind of campaign cash.
I hope you appreciate these offerings.
Matthew RothschildEditor, The ProgressiveP.S. If you enjoy what you read online, help support our website by making a donation to The Progressive.