A voice for peace, social justice, and the common good! Since 1909, The Progressive magazine has aimed to amplify voices of dissent and voices under-represented in the mainstream, with a goal of championing grassroots progressive politics.
- Publisher - Norman Stockwell
- Web Editor - Delaney Nelson
- Acting Managing Editor - David Boddiger
- Senior Editor - Emilio Leanza
- Associate Editor - Michaela Brant
- Art Director - Susan Webb
- Director of Advancement & Engagement - Daniel K. Libby
- Digital Engagement Coordinator - Sheriffer Chisanga
- Office Manager - Elizabeth Miller
- Poetry Editor - Jules Gibbs
- Proofreaders - Delaney Nelson, Sarah Baum, Elizabeth Miller
- Editorial Interns - Anna O'Donnell, Nell Srinath
- Publishing Intern - Madison Xiao
- Digital Media Intern - Matt Minton
Board of Directors
- James Friedman, President, is a shareholder on Godfrey & Kahn's Litigation Team, focusing on commercial, First Amendment, and insurance litigation. He is proud to serve on the Board of this 100+ year-old Wisconsin institution that continues to provide a unique and critical voice for progressive politics in Wisconsin and throughout the United States, and has served on the board for 20+ years.
- William White, Vice President
- Michael W. Apple is John Bascom Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He has worked with progressive groups throughout the world to build critically democratic educational research, policies and practice.
- Ed Angelina, At-large Member
- Miriam Goldberg, At-large Member
- Sue Collins, At-large Member