With the horrific war in Ukraine and tough sanctions on Russia, there is a lot of talk of increasing the oil supply. The only trouble is, oil companies don’t particularly want to ramp up that supply. After taking a huge hit during the depths of the pandemic, the oil industry is reveling in this war-fueled spike in profits.
Do you really think the fossil fuel giants want to make things easier and more affordable for the average consumer? It really is no surprise that these gigantic corporations want to maximize their profits—and keep the shareholders (and CEOs) rolling in dividends and profits at the expense of consumers.
How can they get away with that? Easy! Consumers are hooked, and conservation is apparently a dirty word. Sure, President Joe Biden wants to build a green energy future, but in the present, he wants us all to be able to buy gasoline for cheaper. It’s almost as if reducing demand just simply isn’t an option. Those wind farms and electric cars will sure be neat, but in the meantime, we’re busy filling our SUVs with $6 gas.