Do you live in Madison, Wisconsin? What are you doing this May Day?
Help us raise the roof at the Monona Terrace! Join The Progressive for the "Rally to Defend Public Education,"which will be headline by two compelling speakers.Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis and John Kuhn, a Texas school superintendent. They have been fighting to save our public education system fro the privatizers and profiteers in two diverse corners of America.
The main event is at 7:00 pm at the Monona Terrace, Thursday May 1st in Madison with a pre-event networking social from 5:30 – 6:45 pm.
Bring your banners, ideas, and energy … it’s time to raise the roof for public schools!
PROMOTIONAL: New promotional material can be found here. Please share it with your friends, colleagues, and groups who might wish to attend.
TABLING: If you would like free tabling space, please email Andrea Potter,, at The Progressive with “Reserving Table Space” in the subject line -– even if you contacted us previously.
This event is sponsored by The Progressive/CMD, Edgewood College, MTI, WEAC, Mid-West Broadcasting and more.
See you Thursday, May 1st!