Hillary Clinton finally clinched the nomination, and Little Suzie Newsykins is back to tell you all about it. Those “18 million cracks in the glass ceiling” aren’t quite 18 million this go round but she did it after a long slog. (Hillary won the nomination with about three million fewer votes than she had when she lost the nomination in 2008.)
No matter who you were pulling for in the primary, you’ve got to admit it’s a screwy system that confuses even the most seasoned politicos. Sure, there are still mail-in and provisional ballots that are working their way into the totals, but the latest primaries on Tuesday sure didn’t go Bernie Sanders’ way. His path to the nomination got progressively convoluted and confusing as time went on and the votes didn’t come in. (He was against the superdelegates before he was for them.)
Little Suzie revels in the historic nature of Hillary’s achievement while being baffled by the American system of Democracy-ish. It has been a crazy primary season and something tells me it’s only going to get weirder as the campaign progresses. Enjoy the cartoon and be sure to visit my Patreon page.
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