Dear Friend:
Forget about Mark Foley.
The last week was a fateful one for our democracy.
Congress handed Bush the crown that he's always wanted.
He can now round up even American citizens, label them enemy combatants, and deny them any day in court.
As I explain in "Sawing Off the Judicial Branch," this is not only a grotesque assault on our individual rights, it also lops off one of the three branches of government.
In another posting, I dispute Bush's claim that he'll stay in Iraq even if the only ones supporting him are Laura and their dog Barney. Actually, he doesn't listen to Laura, I argue in "Laura Doesn't Count."
And check out Ruth Conniff's incisive story about the challenge Democratic populists pose to the powers that be in the Democratic Party and punditland. Her web commentary, The "In Crowd" Versus the "Populists," lets you in on this important contest not between Democrats and Republicans but between Democrats and Washington powerbrokers.
I hope this week's web offerings interest you.
All best,
Matthew RothschildEditor, The Progressive
P.S. If you're in the Madison area, please come hear Howard Zinn speak on Thursday, October 5th. The great historian and activist will be receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award from the University of Wisconsin Haven’s Center at the Orpheum at 216 State Street here in Madison. His lecture starts at 7:00 p.m. and admission is free. Additionally, there will be a reception for sponsors of the event. For more information, or to become a sponsor, please click here.