Dear Friend:
Bush and Cheney are intent on escalating this war, and they don’t care what the American people think.
I examine Cheney’s interview with the slow pitcher Chris Wallace, and Bush’s with the lobber Jim Lehrer, on the website this week.
And I also offer you a couple of McCarthyism Watches that you might want to check out.
One is about Sarah Olson, the freelancer who may be hauled as a witness to testify against Lt. Watada at his court-martial. (He refuses to deploy to Iraq, calling the war “illegal and unjust.”)
The other is about another freelancer who was arrested in Connecticut and held for 13 hours and slapped with a $75,000 initial bond. His offense: He was photographing the governor at her inaugural parade.
You may also be interested in Amitabh Pal’s take on the campaign against Jimmy Carter: It seems that anyone who criticizes Israeli policy is a target for calumny, even a former President.
I hope you find something you like on this week’s menu.
Matthew RothschildEditor, The Progressive
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