Source: LA Times
Just when you think every conceivable iPod story has been printed ... there's a story about "godcasting." The LA Times reports on how churches are using technology (and sex) to increase attendance:
Church sermon: "The Greatest Sex You'll Ever Have"
A church in Granger, Indiana, launched a campaign with billboards and a website,, promising a better sex life.
Pastor Mark Beeson credits the campaign with boosting attendance 70% the week he gave a sermon entitled 'The Greatest Sex You'll Ever Have.' Six weeks after the series ended, weekly church attendance still topped 6,000, up from 5,000 before the ad campaign.
High-tech churches
More than 60% of Protestant churches have websites and show video clips on oversized screens during sermons. The article also mentions a service that will send a daily Bible quote to your cellphone ... for a price.
'We dare not change the Gospel. But the method of delivery? We better change it for each new generation,' said Beeson, who preaches in front of a floor-to-ceiling video screen. His latest sermon series, which starts next week, is called 'Finding God in Your iPod;' he promises to analyze spiritual yearnings in songs from Coldplay, Kenny Chesney and other artists.