As the holiday season approaches, there’s a lot to be thankful for. One of the things I’m most thankful for is the end of the war in Iraq.
I was one of the first state legislators in the nation to sign on to the “Not in Our Name” movement to stand against the Iraq war.
I’ve been opposed to the war from the start.
Back in 2003, I led the effort to get Wisconsin legislators to send a letter to President Bush questioning his policy in Iraq. When we released that letter, I said, “It is intellectually lazy and ultimately unpatriotic not to question a policy that is so wrought with negative outcome. I only hope that the President will listen to those who love this country enough to question the path he has chosen for us to take with Iraq.”
At the time, I thought the war in Iraq was the wrong call and I still do today. Interfering in another government’s affairs takes great consideration and we didn’t do that in Iraq.
I’m glad President Obama lived up to his promise to bring the troops home from Iraq. While I wish it would have happened sooner, I’m glad America is finally letting the Iraqi people run their own government.
As the snow begins to fall in Wisconsin, let’s be glad the war in Iraq is over and many of our troops are coming home to their families, where they belong.
Let’s hope 2012 is a peaceful year on this planet.
Wisconsin State Representative Mark Pocan (D-Madison), who coined the term FitzWalkerstan on the floor of the State Assembly, served three terms on the state’s budget committee, including one as its co-chair. He also served as the vice-chair of the non-partisan National Council on State Legislature’s Budget and Policy committee. Pocan’s Assembly district includes both the State Capitol and the Governor’s Mansion, making Governor Scott Walker his most infamous constituent.