The Endangered Species Academy
The Donald J. Trump “regime” is on track to gut the Endangered Species Act, a law that has been keeping plants and animals from going extinct for 45 years. You know, the law that saved the bald eagle. Trump and Congressional Republicans want to make it easier to do business and make money, who cares about extinction?
As written, the Endangered Species Act says that we must save wildlife “without reference to possible economic or other impacts.” The reckless regime wants to include economics in our calculus of whether to save a species or not.
How much money could have been made had we not saved the bald eagle? What is a Mississippi Gopher Frog worth? Just think of how much money the whaling industry could’ve made had we not been required to save whales, no matter the economics. Species threatened with extinction will now be subject to a cost-benefit analysis. That is just one small part of the Trump Republican plan to hand over our nation to corporations. Enjoy the cartoon, hug a Desert Pupfish and be sure to visit me over on my Patreon site!