It always amazes me that climate deniers can still call global warming a hoax when looking at hotter temperatures, dying forests and increasing wildfires. Millions of burning acres are a little more obvious to most than calving glaciers or seas rising by centimeters.
I was a little distracted while creating this cartoon. My parents’ home in Idaho is so close to one of the Northwest’s raging forest fires that are going on just a stones throw from the house. I know global warming isn’t all about hot temperatures everywhere, global weirding as some people say, but right now the world seems to be on fire.
The fires by my parents’ place or here in California are nothing compared to what is going on in Alaska.(All you need to do is check out a fire map to get a sense of the scale. If you’re a small government type who thinks the global warming hoax is a plot to increase government control and spending, just imagine government representatives kicking you out of your home as a wildfire approaches, all while they spend billions to fight these fires. Seems like doing something about global warming might not be so expensive after all. Enjoy the cartoon, stay safe and check out the links behind the ‘toon.