What a weird Tuesday it was, with Rick Santorum winning three contests on the same day that California’s Prop 8 was overturned.
Santorum’s politics are yesterday. Gay marriage is today and tomorrow.
But don’t tell the Republicans that.
Santorum now seems to be the last hope of the anti-Romney crowd, and what an unlikely candidate he is.
After all, he got trounced when he ran for reelection as a Pennsylvania Senator back in 2006.
And for years, he’s been an object of ridicule for his primitive beliefs on sex and privacy.
He doesn’t believe that the Constitution protects privacy rights.
He doesn’t believe that sex, even among consenting adults, should be for pleasure.
He doesn’t believe in contraception.
And he infamously equated gay sex with “man on dog” sex.
He brags about being the conservative alternative to both Romney and Obama, but he is not conservative in the way Ron Paul is—in trying to limit government intrusions into our lives. No, Santorum wants more intrusions. He’s OK with the state coming in and taking away your condoms and your birth control pills.
If Republicans want to lurch this far to the right, they can have him, but I’ve got to believe that a majority of voters will reject Santorum’s backwardness.
If you liked this story by Matthew Rothschild, the editor of The Progressive magazine, check out his story “After Florida, Romney Poses Threat to Obama."
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