Leading Republicans other that those named “Trump” or “Cruz” so want a viable alternative to the crazy town race currently under way. Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, just crushed their dreams. The story goes that Ryan would make a more mainstream, palatable Republican presidential candidate.
He’s not like crazy billionaire Trump and unlikeable weasel Cruz, right? Um, riiiight. Turns out Paul Ryan isn’t exactly a sane, establishment Republican, he just has the reputation of being one. He’s the guy who wants to hack away at the social safety net in service of Ayn Rand, though he now cloaks that in bogus budget-speak. Ryan is smart enough to not wade into the current GOP insurrection and can wait until the dust settles to once again play the part of the sane, level-headed savior.
Just like it is mind-blowing that Ted Cruz has become the more acceptable “establishment” Republican, it’s equally amazing that Paul Ryan is now considered anything but a budget hack who wants to blow up as much of government as possible. (Albeit with a more telegenic blue-eyed smile on his face.) No telling who will be the next possible fallback, supposedly sane, alternative to Trump or Cruz. Enjoy the cartoon and be sure to check out my Patreon page!