Donald Trump’s love of Russia, various strongmen and secrecy seems to be one of his (many) defining characteristics. With the revelation this week that Trump’s right-hand man, Paul Manafort, was listed on a secret ledger showing he received $12.7 million for his work supporting former Ukranian president, Viktor Yanukovych, the intrigue deepened. Never fear, though, The Donald brought in a top executive from Breitbart News to shape things up so things will surely calm down now, right?
It’s interesting when the deluge of Trump news turns away from his off-the-cuff remarks to his actual policy positions and beliefs. In his recent foreign policy speech, he denounced nation-building but supported taking a foreign country’s oil and gas. He touts human rights, yet longs for the days of the Middle Eastern strongman.
Funny, it seems that Donald Trump’s crazy asides and “gaffes” are just as crazy as his speeches with a teleprompter.
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