A whopping 97% of climate scientists agree that the Earth's climate is warming because of human activity.
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, however, takes issue with the notion that 97% is any kind of consensus within the scientific community, saying recently on The Devil's Advocates radio program:
"I just think the term 'settled science' is not a particularly scientific term."
This has been an oh-so-clever rightwing talking point since President Obama said "the debate is settled" when discussing human-caused climate change. Their point, with which no one disagrees, is that science, by definition, is never 100% settled on anything. As we move closer to 100% consensus on something, the debate becomes settled, which is what Obama said.
Johnson then goes full face palm and conflates weather with climate. He said:
"We can't predict what the weather is going to be next week, much less truthfully predict what the climate is going to be 100 years from now."
At least he didn't bring up sunspots again. Here's the clip. Check it out for yourself: