What sounded like a wild conspiracy theory about, oh, three seconds ago, now sounds like a plausible explanation. Every time you think this presidential race can’t get any weirder, it does. It now sounds increasingly likely that the Russians hacked the DNC’s email, then helped release what they found to the world on the eve of the Democratic convention.
Trump bounces between denying any involvement and not knowing Putin, to calling on Russia to hack candidate Clinton’s email to find the missing 30,000 emails related to her private email server scandal. Donald Trump praises Putin, Trump says he wouldn’t necessarily protect the Baltic states, Russia releases hacked emails to help Trump and undermine the Democrats. Suddenly, the conspiracy doesn’t sound so far fetched. (And The Donald usually loves a good conspiracy!)
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders has fully endorsed Hillary Clinton even though there seem to be quite a few bitter Bernie-or-Busters at the Philly convention. After some wild floor protests on the first day, the star power and speaking prowess of Barack and Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton has made the convention look pretty successful. Sure beats Scott Baio. Enjoy the cartoon, and be sure to check out my Patreon page!