The Donald Trump speech style seems to be one perpetual political rant with frequent business venture plugs thrown in for good measure. Remember the Trump Steaks press conference? We were recently treated to the promise of a Grand Trump Announcement about his Birther status. The announcement quickly turned into an off-the-cuff advertisement for the brand-new Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC. (And endorsements by a number of Medal of Honor winners thrown in for good measure.)
But wait, there’s more. There’s always more. Trump was definitely, clearly, for certain the first person with the amazing foresight to realize the Chelsea Bombing was, in fact, a bombing. And he wasn’t afraid to announce it as such when everyone else was rushing around trying to do something as silly as confirm the facts. Next stop, get tough! Wait, you don’t understand that policy plan? He’ll say it louder: GET TOUGH!
Meanwhile, tweets broke that George H.W. Bush is planning to vote for Hillary Clinton, one can only hope that The Donald doesn’t treat him with the same patriotic affection as John McCain. Now, sadly, more shootings of unarmed African American men by police will give fodder to Trump’s tough on crime side, with a good chance of more race-baiting. Ugh. Those polls are getting scarier. In the meantime, enjoy the cartoon and be sure to check out what’s happening over on my Patreon page.