It’s been a tough week for Hillary, between her “basket of deplorables” comment and her keeling over from pneumonia on September 11th. (I still, for the life of me, don’t understand why she said “I’m feeling great” about an hour after the keeling-over incident. A normal human may have said something like, “I have pneumonia, not feeling so good but I’m getting better!”)
Rather than focus on the dueling medical reports, I wanted to dive deeper into candidate Clinton’s “deplorable” comment. Her comments sure sounded a little reckless and unwise, but maybe there’s a bigger strategy I’m missing— although, however truthful, it just seemed like a stupid thing to say. Maybe we should take a closer look at who is actually supporting Donald Trump.
The Trump campaign ad that paints a gloriously patriotic, noble vision of his supporters while hammering Hillary misses the fact that if you support a guy who is a racist xenophobe, that kinda’ sorta’ makes you a racist xenophobe. If you support Donald Trump, you’re supporting a guy who has urged protestors to be violently attacked, spoken fondly of internment camps and admires the strength of a petro-state strongman, among (many, many) other things. Enjoy the cartoon, and be sure to visit my Patreon page for more!