When the guy who was the student loan ombudsman at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is making news you know there is a problem. Seth Frotman recently resigned to protest what the Trump administration is doing to make it easier for lenders who prey on students.
Couple that with the idiot insanity that is Betsy DeVos and things aren’t looking good for education, higher or lower. DeVos wants the federal government to pay for teachers’ guns. (Probably just to fend off the grizzlies, of course.) She is also happily doing the bidding of for-profit colleges and shady lenders who take advantage of low income students. Then, when the students default, the Department of Education makes it easier for taxpayers to save the banks through the miracle of taxpayer-backed loans.
And, true to Trump administration form, DeVos has installed people in oversight roles to investigate fraud in the very business they came from. In late-breaking news, the education secretary is moving ahead with her plan on campus rape. You know, the plan that stands up for the Brock Turners of higher education.