As if attacking 9/11 widows wasn't enough, Ann Coulter is being accused of plagiarism. Again. You can read about the latest allegation here. Meanwhile, here are some past allegations:
• In March a blog called The Gilded Moose accused Coulter of ripping off their tongue-in-cheek Oscar preview for her own head-up-butt Oscar preview.
• In July 2005, The Rude Pundit accused Coulter of plagiarizing the online journal The Flummery Digest. Soon after, Raw Story posted a story about it here.
• According to, Human Events writer Micheal Chapman accused Coulter of stealing passages and paraphrasing an entire chapter written by him in her Clinton book, "High Crimes and Misdemeanors."
From what I have seen so far, verbatim passages from my writing are found on pages 121, 122, 219 and 220 of the High Crimes book. Rewritten passages are reproduced on pages 125, 126, 127 and 220. Other material I wrote is paraphrased on pages 123, 124, 203, 204, 205, 214, and 218... Furthermore, mostly all of chapter 18, ‘Wampumgate,’ is a rewrite or paraphrase of reporting I did for HE [Human Events].