Yohuru Williams is an education activist and professor of history and dean at the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota. He was previously a professor at Fairfield University and former chief historian of the Jackie Robinson Foundation. Williams is a noted scholar of the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power movement. Diverse magazine named Williams one of its Top 10 Emerging Scholars under 40 in 2009. Follow him on twitter at @YohuruWilliams.
He is the author, editor, or co-editor of several books, including Black Politics/White Power: Civil Rights Black Power and Black Panthers in New Haven (Blackwell, 2006), Teaching Beyond the Textbook: Six Investigative Strategies (Corwin Press, 2008), and Liberated Territory: Toward a Local History of the Black Panther Party (Duke, 2008). He also served as general editor for the Association for the Study of African American Life and History’s 2002 and 2003 Black History Month publications, The Color Line Revisited (Tapestry Press, 2002) and The Souls of Black Folks: Centennial Reflections (Africa World Press, 2003). He is also the co-author with Michael Long of the forthcoming book More Than a Dream: The Radical March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (August 2023).