One Wisconsin Now is a statewide communications network specializing in effective earned media and online organizing to advance progressive leadership and values.
As the media and research war room for Wisconsin progressives, One Wisconsin Now provides a critical and unique service for the progressive infrastructure: a full-time counterbalance to the conservative spin machine and its elected advocates. The comprehensive research program at One Wisconsin is central to the communications strategy of the Wisconsin progressive non-partisan, non-profit community. One Wisconsin Now uses its research to drive individual and collaborative earned media campaigns to generate news coverage and online communications programs engaging its more than 50,000 members to action.
Center for Media and Democracy
The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) is a non-profit investigative reporting group. Our reporting and analysis focus on exposing corporate spin and government propaganda. We publish PRWatch, SourceWatch, FoodRightsNetwork and BanksterUSA.
Our newest investigative site is Our ongoing investigation of ALEC—the corporations bankrolling its operations and "scholarships" for legislators to attend posh resorts where corporate lobbyists and elected officials vote behind closed doors on "model" legislation to change Americans' rights—has won significant awards for investigative journalism.
The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign is a homegrown network of citizens fighting government corruption and working for fair elections, judicial integrity, media democracy, and open and transparent government. The Democracy Campaign pursues these objectives through research, citizen education, community outreach, coalition building and direct advocacy.
WDC was founded in 1995 as a nonprofit, independent coalition of individuals and groups responding to the growing dominance of special interest money in the campaigns of state lawmakers. The Democracy Campaign is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and gifts to WDC are fully tax deductible.
Additional Resources
Since 2003, ProgressNow has been developing our network of state partner organizations to fill a unique and critical role in the progressive infrastructure of key states.
ProgressNow State Partners serve as non-stop, multi-issue advocacy organizations. Year-round, we promote progressive ideas and causes with creative earned media strategies, targeted email campaigns, and cutting-edge new media. Working with our allies, we have significantly improved the communications effort of the entire progressive community in our states.
United Opt Out National, Inc. is registered as a nonprofit organization incorporated in the state of Florida. Members of are parents, educators, students and social activists who are dedicated to the elimination of high stakes testing in public education.
National Education Policy Center
The mission of the National Education Policy Center is to produce and disseminate high-quality, peer-reviewed research to inform education policy discussions. We are guided by the belief that the democratic governance of public education is strengthened when policies are based on sound evidence.
In 1986, a group of Milwaukee-area teachers had a vision.
They wanted not only to improve education in their own classrooms and schools, but to help shape reform throughout the public school system in the United States.
Today that vision is embodied in Rethinking Schools.
National School Boards Association
Founded in 1940, NSBA is a not-for-profit organization representing state associations of school boards and their more than 90,000 local school board members throughout the United States, virtually all of whom are elected. These local officials govern more than 13,600 local school districts serving the nation's 50 million public school students. NSBA achieves that mission by representing the school board perspective in working with federal government agencies and national organizations that impact education, and provides vital information and services to state associations of school boards throughout the nation.
Michigan Campaign Finance Network
The Michigan Campaign Finance Network is a nonpartisan, nonprofit coalition of organizations and individuals concerned about the influence of money in politics and the need for campaign finance reform in Michigan. MCFN conducts research on campaign contributions and their relationship to election outcomes and issues of public policy, supports access to campaign finance information and develops educational initiatives for the public on the subject of campaign finance reform.