Dear Friend:
Last week, Howard Zinn was in town to give a lecture on history and hysteria. While he was here, I was able to interview him for Progressive Radio, and you can listen to our conversation by going to the Howard Zinn interview. I always find Howard illuminating and inspiring. I hope you do, too.
I also did a little reporting last week. I talked to a guy named Steve Howards out in Colorado who was arrested simply for criticizing the Vice President to his face! This is what Howards said: "Your policies in Iraq are reprehensible." Ten minutes later, the Secret Service arrested him, handcuffed him in front of his eight-year-old son, charged him with assaulting the Vice President, and hauled him off to jail. Though the DA later dropped all charges, Howards is suing the Secret Service. I sure hope he wins. For his sake--and ours.
As always, I appreciate your feedback.

Matthew RothschildEditor, The ProgressiveP.S. Please help us in our fight for our democracy. Send a tax-deductible donation to The Progressive today! We really need it.