This editorial cartoon was first published in 1933. It was created by the artist John Miller Baer.
For the launch of the redesigned Progressive magazine this summer, editor-in-chief Ruth Conniff chose this cartoon to illustrate the parallels between the battles the U.S. is facing in 2014 and the issues the publication covered in the wake of the Great Depression.
Just below this cartoon is a short article about The Progressive Inc. moving into its new headquarters at 115 W. Main Street in Madison with the help of the Wisconsin Progressive League. The article noted that "a continual education campaign in Progressive principles will be carried on by the headquarters, while material, speakers, and other information desired by Progressives will be furnished there," including records about lawmakers.
As that article mentioned, William T. Evjue, who was then the editor of The Progressive magazine, spearheaded the idea that the publication needed a more permanent headquarters.
This spring, the magazine repainted and reorganized its offices, now at 409 E. Main Street in Madison, as part of the merger with the Center for Media and Democracy, which is underway.
Evjue also noted that preparations were underway for a major conference for Progressives, in that article. As the newly modernized magazine gets ready for publication in print and in a new digital format, staffers are preparing for the annual national "chautauqua" known as Fighting Bob Fest -- which Ed Garvey created and named in tribute to Fighting Bob La Follette, the founder of The Progressive -- which the Progressive Inc. will be managing at the Baraboo Fairgrounds on September 13th in Wisconsin. Confirmed speakers include journalist Chris Hedges, candidate for governor Mary Burke, Chicago Teachers' Union head Karen Lewis, and the always entertaining Jim Hightower, who performed the wedding of CMD and the Progressive earlier this year. Senators Tammy Baldwin and Bernie Sanders have been invited, and we are confident they will keynote the event.
More information about attending Fighting Bob Fest is available here.