After the horrible school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, that killed nineteen elementary school children and two adults, Fox News and gun-crazy Republicans are trotting out scores of ways to “harden” our schools. From “man traps” and “ballistic blankets” to armed military contractors, gun-lovers are ready to do anything . . . except question our nation’s insane addiction to firearms and the weak gun laws that allow these mass shootings to continue.
If it weren’t for the tragic consequences of our gun culture, Republicans’ devotion to weapons of war would be comical. At this point in time, it seems that we as a country prefer guns to children. (To say nothing of people of color who live in areas with high rates of gun violence.)
The callousness of the pro-gun, pro-assault weapons NRA crowd has been on full display after the school shooting in Texas, with a hit parade of right-wingers blaming the teachers, the unlocked door, the number of exits, the windows, the lack of prayer, the liberals, the gays . . . everything but the guns.