All this talk of the Mueller report has me confused. Has anyone in the media or general public actually seen the Mueller report? Oh yeah, we’ve only heard about it from a Trump loyalist who has been in the job of attorney general for a little over a month.
If you read the legalese of the Barr letter, you’ll see there are big enough “collusion” loopholes for a shirtless Putin to ride a horse through. Until we see the full Mueller report, we just won’t know how dirty or clean Trump & Co. are when it comes to Russian meddling.
As it is now, even using only reporting shared with the public, they’re looking pretty damn dirty. From what little we know, it seems that Mueller stayed VERY focused on the actual act of the Russian government messing with our election, and of course ducked the final question of obstruction entirely. The focus of the Barr letter doesn’t count Russian intelligence “cut-outs” and people not directly working for the Trump campaign.
There’s a lot more here, so if I were a rabid Trumpie, I’d hold off on the celebrations. And please, Democrats, don’t call it a day and move onto health care— let’s do both!