Now that Steve Bannon made it from right-wing ranter to a notch or two above the Joint Chiefs of Staff, maybe we should take a closer look at him. A boring bureaucrat he ain’t. A scary power-hungry nut, he is.
It turns out Bannon likes to make movies. It’s true, check out his IMDB!) After watching way too much of his material, I felt I had looked into his very soul. All of the footage in this cartoon was taken from the masterful works of documentary film created by Bannon. Poor ol’ Steve seems to be living out his very own Bruckheimer-esque good and evil action thriller. The unfortunate thing now is that the bombs and guns from the prop department really work.
Steve Bannon’s fingerprints seem to be on everything coming out of the White House, particularly the more hard line executive orders. Meanwhile, his former coworker from Breitbart News, Milo Yiannopoulos, is traipsing around the country sparking violent protests with his alt right (white supremacist/fascist/profiteeri