With more brutal killings and mysterious deaths while in police custody, it seems hardly a day goes by without a new dashboard camera video or protest calling out for justice. As these tragedies keep happening, I thought it might be helpful to look at our predicament from a few billion miles away.
Little Green Man is back to help us take a more objective look at our society and culture. As NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft investigates Pluto, what if we came upon an alien species struggling with something as absurd as providing different sorts of justice based on the color of a Plutonians skin?
There are obviously a million more layers to the onion that is racism and justice in the United States, but among the protests, pundits and genuine fear, sometimes it helps to break things down to their simplest level of ridiculousness. Dive into the links behind the cartoon, enjoy the cartoon, and be sure to share it with other beings, no matter what color they were when they hatched!