Provided his incessant tweeting doesn’t drive him away, President Trump seems to have found his chief legal defender and investigative arm in Attorney General Bill Barr. Need to downplay the Mueller Report? Get Bill Barr. Want to stall that Ukraine whistleblower complaint to Congress? Bill Barr is on the case. Feel like showing some love to Roger Stone? Get me Bill Barr!
Even though Barr has played a Very Serious and Important Legal Mind in the past, now he appears to be Trump’s errand boy. He has even gone so far as to set up a special intake process at the Department of Justice to receive all the investigative gems brought in by Rudy Giuliani. You know, the same Giuliani who is getting investigated by the DOJ.
No wonder prosecutors have fled the Roger Stone case, resigned and written letters of protest en masse. My only worry is that if Barr resigns in protest of Trump’s tweets as he is threatening to do, we’ll end up with Attorney General Sean Hannity.