The cruelty the Trump Administration is wielding at the U.S. border with Mexico is unconscionable. Cruelty is the point, of course. If we are scary and cruel enough to poor asylum-seekers, they’ll just go away, right?
Oh, and there is the added benefit for the Trump crew that if the humanitarian crisis (read: the awful stuff we’re doing by keeping kids locked up) is to be stopped, we must fork over the money the administration demands. It’s another one of those cases where Trump helped create the problem, then tries to get what he wants by shutting down the government or stuffing kids in cages. He didn’t invent this tactic, of course, the Republican leadership has been doing this for years—although not with such sadistic glee.
The truly scary part is that there are now so many people within the administration who are complicit, from architects of evil like Stephen Miller to poor hapless defenders-of-evil like Department of Justice lawyer, Sarah Fabian. And mustn’t forget ex-administration officials like John Kelly, who is now on the side of cashing in on these cruel policies.
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