After what seems like twenty long years of primary campaigning and another ten years of general election campaigning, election day is nearly upon us. Seems like just yesterday that Jeb Bush had this thing locked up with his horribly-named “shock and awe” fundraising strategy.
It is still unfathomable to me that there could be any undecided voters out there at this point. Are they undecided or just afraid to say who they’ll pick in the voting booth? What November Surprise will burst forth now that Hillary Clinton’s October Surprise seems to be going by the wayside (for now)?
Surely Donald Trump will say or do some wild things as he struggles to win, maybe there will be an earth-shattering revelation on Anthony Weiner’s laptop— but there is one presidential test that may be better than the “who would you want to have a beer with” test. Who would you trust to give Little Suzie Newsykins a private tour of the Oval Office? Enjoy the cartoon, and be sure to stop by my page on Patreon.