Dear friend:
I crawled into the office on Saturday morning to work on a book I'm supposed to be completing by July 1, but being a procrastinator, I decided to do something else: I transcribed the John Dean interview I mentioned last week. Here's the best quote in it, comparing the Bushies to Nixon's crowd: "It’s almost as if we’d left an old playbook in the basement, they found it, dusted it off, and said, ‘This stuff looks pretty good, we ought to give it a try.’”
Now you can read the edited transcript simply by clicking here.
I'd also like to draw your attention to Ruth Conniff's piece entitled "The Democrats' Losing Attitude." Ruth has a hawk's eye for weak-kneed Democrats.
Some fantasies never die. Our managing editor, Amitabh Pal, writes about one this week: "The Bush Administration exports Star Wars foolishness."
And I took particular offense at an obnoxious comment that retired General Tommy Franks said on Saturday night. Appropriately enough, it was at the NRA's annual banquet. See "Tommy Franks Shoots His Mouth Off."
As always, I appreciate your feedback.

Matthew RothschildEditor, The Progressive