Moderate Republicans are on the Endangered Species List, and two of the rare birds are squawking to be heard.
On Fox over the weekend, Bob Dole, the former Republican presidential nominee, said the RNC should put up a sign that says, "Closed for repairs" and shouldn't reopen until it comes up with some positive ideas.
Then on MSNBC today, former Sen. Olympia Snowe said she certainly agreed with Dole, adding that the Republicans "have to rethink their approach as a political party and how they are going to regroup and become a governing majority party that appeals to a broader group of Americans than they do today."
But appealing to a broader group, except through fear and even lower emotions, has not been the Republican Party's approach now for many a year.
At this point, it's the party of the 1 percent and the Tea Party, and there's little room and even less tolerance for anybody else.
It's been kind of a fun spectator sport to watch the Republican infighting in the wake of the Romney debacle, especially when Bobby Jindal had to urge them not to be the "party of stupid."
But I take little joy in hearing the last gasps from Bob Dole and Olympia Snowe, who, unlike current party leaders, at least had some sense, some decency, and some willingness to make common ground.
If you liked this story by Matthew Rothschild, the editor of The Progressive magazine, check out his story Obama Gets Slippery on Killing U.S. Citizens.
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