Completely Random Friday Quotes
November 10, 2006
Lead Dixie Chick Natalie Maines responds to a cheering concert crowd:
Either the beer is free or you’re happy that Donald Rumsfeld resigned today.
Conservative Bob Barr on the Democratic Congress:
The Democrats will do everything in their power to avoid a return to second-class citizenship. They will be more likely than were the Republicans a dozen years ago to take modest steps, and to be careful lest rhetoric overtake feasible action. The goal for Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and her battle-hardened team will be to spend two years laying the groundwork for further gains in 2008, and to push an agenda that will provide a solid and likely centrist platform for their party's standard-bearer.
Asked about his legacy, ousted Defense Sec. Rumsfeld gets one right:
Oh, I'd let history worry about that.
Wingnut bloggers respond to Rumsfeld's departure and UN Ambassador John Bolton's pending unemployment:
Is this to be the latest blood sacrifice coming out of a bowed Bush White House? And I say here, now, STOP THE INSANITY. Throwing our best, our brightest to the insatiable leftist beast makes them hungrier. Rumsfeld, now Bolton? WTF? and Why?... But Bolton? Why Bolton? Talk about taming the lions. He accomplished everything, he accomplished the impossible.
National Review says "heckuva job Rummy":
I don’t see how removing the Secretary of Defense helps either the country or the Republicans, especially given the pre-election vote of confidence in his full tenure. He was on the right track reforming the military; the removal of the Taliban and the three-week victory over Saddam were inspired.
Rush Limbaugh frustrated by stupid Americans:
It's just so damn frustrating to have made such progress in 1994 and it happened here again. Two years after '94, the conservatives made the mistake of thinking that the country had become conservative, and they stopped being ideological, and they stopped teaching. They stopped leading a movement and began what they began. It happened here again. The assumption that: "Okay, conservatism is in power now. The people know who we are. They like who we are. Stop teaching." You can never stop teaching.
Obama sounding Presidential:
But in order to change history, we now have to work even harder to turn last night's results into tomorrow's progress. I'll be asking you to help me do this in the days and months to come, and I can't wait to get to work.
Bob Harris gloats:
It must be puzzling. And here the Republicans thought the voters would greet them as liberators.
Howard Dean disappoints the Jon Stewart's Daily Show audience:
I know half the audience wants us to impeach the president, and all that kind of stuff, but we're not going to do that.
William Shatner on someone else playing Captain Kirk:
He's got to be handsome. He's got to be athletic. He's got to be rich. He's got to be funny. He's got to get the girl - the sort of things I do.