As we mark the 100-year anniversary of the National Park Service, there is a lot of talk of our parks being “America’s best idea.” If the parks and our public lands are our best idea, what are our worst ideas? Sadly, there are plenty of worst ideas to go around.
It boggles my mind that so many people can support policies that are harmful to our national parks when 95% of people surveyed think the parks should be protected for current and future generations. In addition to our National Parks, we are lucky enough to own millions of acres of beautiful BLM land, Forest Service land and National Monuments across the country. Don’t be fooled, giving these places “to the states” is just a cover for opening them up to development of one kind or another.
There is a tendency for people to think it’s “the government’s” land. Wrong. It’s our land. Go camping, backpacking, hiking, hunting or fishing. Enjoy it, it’s yours! The best part is, these parks were started by a Republican who really, really liked to shoot things. When you return from the wilds, be sure to visit my Patreon page for behind-the-scenes access and goodies!