Two of Madison's sharpest political minds, stand-up comedians Chris Lay (@MrChrisLay) and Alan Talaga (@danpotacke), will provide the blow-by-blow analysis right here on Thursday night at 9 p.m. (CDT) during the second of two debates between Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett in advance of the historic recall election on June 5. The debate will be televised in Madison on WKOW, Channel 27, and we urge you to keep at least one eye on this blog while you watch it. Two of Madison's sharpest political minds, stand-up comedians Chris Lay (@MrChrisLay) and Alan Talaga (@danpotacke), will provide the blow-by-blow analysis right here on Thursday night at 9 p.m. (CDT) during the second of two debates between Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett in advance of the historic recall election on June 5. The debate will be televised in Madison on WKOW, Channel 27, and we urge you to keep at least one eye on this blog while you watch it. We also urge you to submit questions for the panelists throughout the debate. The tone of this one will be a little less formal than last week's blog, but we'll still moderate the questions to ensure that they stay mostly respectful and at least a little on-topic.