Try as I might to not fan the flames of the Trump publicity machine, I just could not stand by when the leading Republican candidate for president announced his intention to ban Muslims from entering the United States. It was probably just a coincidence, but Trump made his announcement just as a new poll showed Ted Cruz pulling ahead in Iowa.
Besides calling for a ban on Muslim immigration into the United States, the Orange Attention Machine spoke fondly of Roosevelt’s authorization that led to the internment of Japanese Americans. Just like FDR, that Trump. Ugh. That so many people still seem to support Trump is amazing to me, let’s hope the polls are wildly inaccurate. Either way, this Trump thing is going a little long for my comfort level. (Although it’s deliciously perfect for my comfort level as a cartoonist.)
But it’s not just Trump. Many on the far right seem to not have the slightest idea that their vilification of Muslims and harsh reactions give a huge boost to ISIS’s recruitment and retention campaign. (Hello, Gitmo and take-the-gloves-off, Abu Ghraib?) Enjoy the cartoon, and be sure to dive into some of the links behind the cartoon.