Dear friend:
I'm off on vacation for a week, but before I go, I'd like to draw your attention to a phenomenal essay that Howard Zinn has in our April issue, which hasn't gotten to subscribers yet, so you're getting a sneak peek.
It's called "America's Blinders," and in it, Zinn explains why people fell for Bush's Iraq deceptions. Zinn says there are two reasons: amnesia about the history of Presidential lies and aggressions, and nationalism itself.
"We are penned in by the arrogant idea that this country is the center of the universe, exceptionally virtuous, admirable, superior."
I believe this is one of the most urgent essays we've published in a long, long time.
I hope you agree.
All best,
Matthew Rothschild
P.S. Share The Progressive with a friend for as low as $1.25 per copy! Give them a full year of Molly Ivins's mirth and Howard Zinn's insights at savings of up to 53% off the regular price. Your friends will thank you!